Nakshatra Characteristics & Significations


Astrology Chart for Beginners.

Nakshatra Characteristics & Significations:

Nakshatra Literally means “that which does not decay.” A group of stars is called Nakshatra. The whole space has been divided into 27 parts and each part has been given the name of Nakshatra. There are twenty-seven Nakshatras considered in Vedic Astrology. Each one of them has thirteen degree and twenty minutes of the zodiac. Each Nakshatra has a planetary lord used for Vimsottari Dasa and K.P. calculations. Nakshatra can be known with help of degrees of Moon in a particular sign at the time of birth. They are as follows:

Letters of Nakshatra:


The Indian astrologers believe that the combination of the last 15 Ghati of 'Uttara Shadha Nakshatra' and the first 4 Ghati of the Shravani Nakshatra i.e. 19 Ghatis in all, constitute the 'Abhijeet Nakshatra' and this particular Nakshatra is considered to be very auspicious to begin a good work.

PANCHAKA NAKSHATRA: The following group of five Nakshatras are considered to have five defects (Panchak Dosha). They are Dhanistha, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Revati.

MOOLA NAKSHATRA: A child taking birth in this Nakshatra, which consists of Jyestha, Aashlesha, Revati, Mool, Magha, and Ashwini Nakshatra is not considered auspicious. Therefore, for the pacification of this 'Moola Nakshatra', some specific rites are performed 27 days after the birth when the same Nakshatra returns. Of these six Nakshatras, which constitute Moola Nakshatra, Jyeshtha, and Moola are called 'Gandant Moola' and Aashlesha is called 'Sarpa Moola'.

ADHOMUKHA NAKSHATRA: As the name of this Nakshatra implies, works like digging a well, or laying a foundation are considered as auspicious. This particular Nakshatra is itself constituted by Nakshatras. They are Moola, Aashlesha, Vishakha, Kritika, Purva Phalguni, Purva Shadha, Purva Bhadrapada, Bharani and Magha.

DAGDHA NAKSHATRA: For the commencement of any work, these Nakshatras are considered inauspicious. Therefore, commencing any work in this Nakshatra is prohibited if the days on which, these Nakshatra falls are as under.

Sunday - Bharani

Monday - Chitra
Tuesday - Uttara Shadha
Wednesday - Dhanishtha
Thursday - Uttara Phalguni
Friday - Jyeshtha
Saturday – Revati
